Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Southeast Chapter Masonry Meeting
Jan 13th, 2010 Minutes
Prepared by Sofia Silva
MAF WEB-SITE: www.floridamasonry.com

1. Meeting called to order by the President Justin Lord
A. Self introduction
B. Reading of the Statement of the Anti-Trust policy adopted by the state was waived.
C. Approvals of the minutes-Minutes were approved.

2. President’s report: Justin Lord
B. Reporting Unlicensed activity needs to become a priority.
C. There are many avenues to take like Workmen’s Comp, OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Department and Department of Labor

3. State Report:
A. There is a meeting tomorrow and will discuss the Unlicensed activity.

4. Foundation:
Nothing to report

5. Treasurer’s Report- Pete Saunders
A. As of the end of Aug General fund has $1,724.00

6. Membership Committee:
More help is needed with membership! Contact me at Sofia@cbcfl.com .
A. No new members.

7. Program:
No program

8. Apprenticeship Committee:
A. Ray will be the chairman if Doug decides he no longer wants to be the chairman.
B. Apprenticeship Acct $9,324.00
C. Money Market Acct $ 8,627.29

9. Awards committee:
Nothing to report

10. Program committee:
No program is scheduled yet.

11. Pro-Masonry committee:
A. Nothing to report

12. State Convention: Sept 16-19

13. Old Business:

14. New Business:
A. Vote for Ocala as a new chapter will be represented at the State meeting tomorrow
15. Next meeting:
A. Galuppi’s. Next meeting will be held on Wednesday Feb 10th, 2010.
B. Future meetings will be held the second Wednesday of every month.
C. Please do business with members.
D. MAF WEB-SITE: www.floridamasonry.com

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